
Trading robots made in BotBrains can make logs using the "log to file" block.

Viewing the log file

Each trading robot created in BotBrains has its own folder in the Files/logs folder. Each time the robot makes a log, the robot makes a record in the file whose name is equal to the time when the robot was launched.

The robot logs can be viewed using the built-in MQL5 code editor:

Note that a separate folder was created for the robot in the "logs" folder. There are 3 log files in the robot's logs folder, which means that the robot was run 3 times and made logs.

The screenshot below shows an example of a log file:

7 logs were written to the file. Each log has a specified time.

Note that the robot makes some logs automatically. For example, robots made in BotBrains always make a log on the results of license checking when they are launched.

Last updated